After few hours of hiking down trough untouched forest, we see the Argut river gorge. Small deserted hunters' hut on the Bartuldak river offers good place for short stop...
Altai. Katun range. Bartuldak gorge. Moutain taiga.
Altai. Katun range. Bartuldak stream.
And finally, we've reached the Argut river- one of the host rivers of the area, the tributary of Katun. For some reason, we turn slightly away from the common path (and bear in mind, it should cost us good climbing tomorrow- see the next foto, the dark mount on the background!)...
Altai. Katun range.  Argut gorge.
The rocky barrier on the edge of the meadow seems no way (and reason!) to climb up...
Altai. Katun range.  Argut gorge.
...except great view to the Argut canyon,... but something unexpecting is hided in behind...
Altai. Katun range.  Argut gorge.
The hidden place is wide misterious antient cemetary, which was discovered by local hutnters only in 2002. Some unknown force didn't permit them to dig out 2 tombs in seeking the gold...
Altai. Katun range.  Argut gorge. Ancient cemetery.
...and probably the same force prevented the author from taking small piece of Kamenny Baba ("Stone Grandwoman", "Balbal" in Altai) as a souvenir...
Altai. Katun range.  Argut gorge. Ancient cemetery. Kamenny baba.
"Kamenny Baba" is a gravestone monument dedicated to the warrior (you see, "baba" - "woman" is a bit awkward...). This is common practice of Turkish people who inhabited Altai mountains in 6-10 centures CE.

Altai. Katun range.  Argut gorge. Ancient cemetery. Kamenny baba.
While we make our archeological exercises, our hunter Andrei (pluralistically the horse driver) was busy with usefull deal- and as a result, we are becoming busy as well cooking the bun (mountain goat)...
Altai. Katun range.  Argut gorge. Campfire.
Altai. Katun range.  Argut gorge. Campfire.
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